

Friday, June 8, 2012

The demon and the Whitelighter chapter 2

Okay it's four years later and Paige was discovered a year ago and so now Paige and Chris are half siblings and the charmed ones are half sister with Paige but Paige doesn't live at the manor she lives at the club at P3 and now Chris is 14.

Chapter two: The second encounter

It had been a year since Paige was introduced to the family and it was a month after that when it was discovered that she was the daughter of the whitelighter Sam which made her the older half sister of Chris. And then a month after that they visited Sam and he told them that the charmed ones mother Patty was Paige's mother and the charmed ones summoned their mother to ask her about it and she had confirmed it. Paige was their sister. And so Paige now had to adapt to having three older sisters and one baby brother. But she got used to them pretty fast. She had a special place for each of them in her heart.
Chris took classes at magic school in the morning and orbed home after school and either hung out or helped the charmed ones and his sister fight evil. But it was more the often that he was left at home because it was 'too dangerous' and that always annoyed Chris but he did as he was asked when they told him to stay home.

He would either flip through there book studying it out of boredom or he would go to his room lock the door and look through his mothers book. It was interesting the difference between evil magic and good magic. A good book of shadows had good spells in it. An evil book had evil spells in it. Chris could use any of those spells but he chose not to. The charmed ones weren't aware that he looked through it every once and a while. Paige would lecture him if she knew. The other charmed ones would demand that he get rid of it or try to destroy it. So he had told them that he had lost it a while ago. Actually he had said that he had given it to Cole. The demon he had met in a vision before he had seen the man for real. In his vision he and Cole were together. Chris found that strange. To know who he was suppose to be with before the other person knew. To know that he would love Cole before Cole even met him. That's why he couldn't let Cole raise him. He couldn't risk a parental bond forming because then Cole wouldn't be able to fall in love with him. And now at 14 Chris often dreamed of Cole. The charmed ones had destroyed the source but now there was a new source. A more powerful one. But he still had to be destroyed.

Chris found himself thinking about his birthday coming up. He would 15 soon. Not much would change. He would probably try to learn how to drive and maybe try to get a girlfriend. It was really hard to try and date someone when he already knew who he was suppose to be with. But that wouldn't happen for years yet. So Chris had to do something in the mean time. He would have to ask Phoebe how she handled knowing things before they were gonna happen. He had only had the one vision in his life. But he never had one again. It was more like a spoiler for his life. But how was he suppose to be with Cole when Cole was evil? Cole couldn't love him. Could he?

Two weeks after his birthday.

Chris was kidnapped by a demon that was trying to use him to get to the charmed ones.

Chris did the one thing he knew he shouldn't. He used his demonic powers to attack the demon at which point Cole immediately appeared and then he used his own powers and destroyed the demon.

Chris backed away as Cole came towards him "Do you know how long I've been waiting for you to use your powers again? I chose to track you by your powers but you never use your powers. You've grown some." Cole said taking in the boys height and looking him up and down once.

"So where's the witches." Cole asked.

"You might wanna get out of here before they come and find me. That demon took me so the sisters are probably looking for me and going nuts trying to find me. You should go." Chris said.

Cole smirked "Really? You think it's just that easy? You can't just tell me to leave and be done with it. I'm the new source kid. Can't you sense it with your demon half?" Cole asked.

Chris could in fact sense it. "I don't want this. You need to go before they get here. I have to find a way to help you." Chris said.

"Why do you keep acting so strange around me? What is it that your not telling me boy? Huh?" Cole asked coming closer.

Chris was now trapped against the wall and Cole was so close that they could have kissed. "What did you see about me when you were a child? What are you hiding from me?" Cole asked becoming annoyed.

Chris gulped "I can't tell you." he said.

The seer shimmer in then. "What can't you tell me?" Cole asked.

"He is your soul mate." The seer said. Cole turned to her "The two of you are meant to be together. I have seen it." she said.

Cole turned looked back at Chris something between shock and disbelief in his eyes and Chris orbed away before Cole could stop him.

Chris orbed back to the manner. " Chris. Thank god. Where were you? How did you get away?" Paige asked after she hugged him.

"Uh. I may have been bad." Chris said.

"Bad? What do you mean bad?" Prue asked nervous.

"Uh. I used my demonic powers." Chris said.
"What! Why?" Paige raised her voice.
"I used them on the demon! He was attacking me and I just attacked back. My demonic powers were more help anyways. I'm okay. I'm still good. I just used my demonic powers to kill the demon." Chris said in his defense.

Paige sighed "Okay well at least you used them to fight evil. But just so were clear NO demonic powers EVER unless it's a case like today and you are alone and in danger." Paige said firmly.

Chris nodded "Yeah. I totally understand." Chris said.

"Good.  Now I think you should go up to your room." Paige said and Chris groaned but went up to his room to sulk and he shut his door an locked it and then he felt himself being pulled away.

He found himself in the underworld and Cole sat in a chair and the seer was by his side.

"We need to have a little talk." Cole said.

Chris took a step back "Why?" he asked nervous.

"Why? Why? Because you can't just keep something like that from me and then run away when I find out about it that's why!" Cole said angry.

"I can't control what I saw. I'm sorry if you don't like it. It was just a vision. We don't have to be like that if it's not what you want." Chris said

"Not what I want? You think I don't like the idea? That's not what I said kid. What I said was that I don't like that you hid it from me. You should have told me what you saw. That's why you wanted to go with them isn't it? Because you saw us together in the future and you didn't want to change that by letting me raise you." Cole said knowingly.

"Yes. But Paige is my half sister. We have the same father. So it's a good thing I did go with them. I found out that there family. In a way." Chris said.

Cole leaned back comfy in his chair "How old are you?" Cole asked "15?"'

"Yes. I just turned 15." Chris said.

Cole seemed to think about that. Then said "He's not ready." he said to the seer. then stood up.

"Your just a boy. Your young. Too young for that vision to happen yet. I'll wait. You can go back to the manor. But when I call for you you'd better come." Cole said and Chris orbed back to his room wondering what that meant.

When he called for him? The source disappeared from the radar after that.
It was three years later when Cole called him.


1 comment:

  1. Great, great story. You find so few stories with this pairing. I hope you continue it! :)
