

Friday, June 8, 2012

The Demon and the Whitelighter

This is the story of how they got together. This is based in an AU world where Chris isn't from the future and he isn't the son of Leo and Piper. He is still half Witch and Half White lighter. Cole never had a relationship with Phoebe and Prue doesn't die. And of course Cole falls for Chris. But the Charmed ones are not the main story line here. So yeah a lot was changed. That's why it's an AU. Paige comes in later but again Prue is still alive and doesn't die.  Sam is also Chris's father so he is Paige's half brother.  If you don't like any of that then don't read this.

Chapter One: The first encounter.

Chris had gotten close to the charmed ones and their whitelighter Leo. They believed that he was a Whitelighter but in truth he was only half whitelighter. His mother had been a witch but she was also half demon. A Phoenix. And his father had been a whitelighter named Sam that later fell from grace after falling in love and losing one of his charges. Sam had tried to take care of Baby Chris but soon his mother Bianca came and stole him. She took care of him most of his life until he turned 10 and the charmed ones came to vanquish her evil ass. He had been scared that they would hurt him too and that was the first time he orbed.
Leo sensed he was in the bed room and orbed to him.
"Hey. We won't hurt you kid. I'm sorry you had to see that. We didn't know she had a kid. Your half Whitelighter. I can feel it. You only a quarter demon in you." Leo said.
"I know. Mom hated that I was good. She's gone now isn't she? Who will teach me how to use my powers?" Chris asked sadly.
"Do you know your father's name?" Leo asked.
"Sam. I think." Chris said and Leo nodded "I know who he is. I'll take you to your father and he can help you learn to use your powers." Leo said.

Chris went over to his closet and took out his mother evil book of spells. Leo stiffened slightly. "Chris you don't need that. You can leave that here. That's an evil book." Leo said.

"I know. I won't use it. I promise. But it was hers. And It's all she left me. I can't leave it here for others to steal." Chris said tears filling his eyes and the charmed ones came in then.

"God I feel horrible." Piper stated.

"You remember your mom's old whitelighter Sam? Well he apparently had an affair with Miss Bianca out there and this is his son. That's why he can orb. His father was a full whitelighter when he was born. And that Phoenix only recently turned evil again. So he has the full potential to be good. He doesn't even have the mark of a phoenix." Leo said.

"yes I do." Chris said defensively and raised his shirt with one hand while pulled down his pants slightly with the other to show them his mark on his right hip.

"Well that's an odd place for it. I've never seen the mark anywhere but on the arm." Leo said a little fascinated.

"So what do we do with him?" Piper asked.

"I'm taking him to Sam and Sam can take care of him." Leo said.

"Uh. Not to be difficult but how exactly is Sam gonna take care of a child when he can barely remember to take care of himself? He was a mess the last time we saw him. He can't take care of a child." Prue said knowingly.

"Well I think we should give him a chance before we discuss any other courses of action." Leo said determined and knowing that look in Prue's eye.

"Fine. But when I'm right and I will be....Tell Sam that we'll take care of everything." Prue said thinking of adopting the boy into the family.

Leo orbed away with the boy and the the boy kept hold of the book.

Phoebe confronted her sister then "Yeah. Hi remember us? Do we get a say in this?" Phoebe asked.

"Of Course. But Phoebe you heard Leo. That boy has the potential to be really good. And with the right people raising him he will be good. But if the wrong people raise him he could give in to the small part of him that's evil. I hate to say it but I think we should talk to Cole." Prue said. Cole was their demon consultant.
They often summoned him if they wanted information about demons and Cole was usually helpful. Annoyed but helpful. Part of the reason they didn't go after him was because they needed him. And they knew they needed him. He knew it too. And in return for his helpful information they didn't vanquish him.

Phoebe moaned in annoyance but knew her sister was right.

The charmed ones went back home finding Leo and Chris already there.

"So what happened?" Prue asked knowingly.

Leo rolled his eyes at her "Sam is still in no place to raise a child." Leo said.

"Uh huh. See? I told you." Prue said and then they summoned Cole.

Cole found himself in a crystal cage and saw them "We have got to stop meeting like this." he said then saw the little boy. "Cute kid. Where'd you get him?" Cole asked.

"Cole we have a question about children who aren't fully demon." Prue said.

Cole snorted "Okay." he said with a smirk.

"If a child is half whitelighter and half phoenix what exactly does that mean?" Prue asked.

Cole looked at the boy "It means I sincerally hope you really killed the phoenix parent other wise your dead." Cole said looking at the kid "Hey baby boy, did they blow mommy up? Or did they throw a potion at her?" Cole asked him his tone kind.

Prue was surprised at his tone. He apparently knew a thing of two about children. "Piper blew her up. Why does that matter?" Prue asked.

Cole snorted again "Because that means she's not dead. That means you just kidnapped her child and she's gonna be really pissy. Demonic mothers are the worst." Cole said with a laugh.

Leo looked at the boy "That must be why he hasn't cried yet. She's not really dead. Is that why you took the book?" Leo asked him.

"I didn't want mommy to use it. I don't like it when she's bad." Chris said honestly.

"Okay we need to make a potion then and fast. Leo we'll need you here. Cole you have kid duty. Is the phoenix shows up don't let her take him." Prue said seriously.

"What? Why did I get roped into this?" Cole asked.

"Because for one he seems to like you. And you seem to know a thing or two about kids. And for three you have demonic powers you can use against her if she shows up. She'll come after us first. She won't know you have him. So take him somewhere. But not the the underworld. He needs to be somewhere safe. She's not getting him." Prue said.

Cole rolled his eyes and the crystals were moved then Prue said "Honey this is Cole. He'll protect you okay? We'll come get you when we're done here." Prue said.
"Are you gonna kill mommy?" Chris asked.
Prue bit her lip then told him the truth "Chris we're gonna make sure she can't hurt anyone anymore. Okay?" Prue said and he nodded "Okay." Chris said then he moved sadly over to Cole held his hand out to him Cole grabbed his hand and shimmered away to his appartment.

At the appartment Cole stood guard over the boy even though he really didn't want to he figured that at least it was something to do.

"So your half Phoenix? And half Whitelighter? That's an odd mix. Look. Kid, those witches. There good witches. I can already see where Prue's going with this. She wants to raise you to be good like they are. But I think you should have a say in that. You have the right to chose. Just like everyone else. So what do you want? Do you want to be good? Do you want to be like you mommy? I think that you should try both and see what you like best." Cole offered his advice.

Chris frowned at him "I don't like hurting people. I did it lots of times. I didn't like it. I like to help. Mommy gets mad when I help." Chris said.

Cole thought about that "What's your mommies name?" Cole asked.

"Bianca. I think." Chris said.

Cole raised his brows "Bianca. I know her. Actually I know her really well." Cole laughed. He had slept with her twice. About 15 years ago. This little boy was only ten so he knew he wasn't his son.
"What's your name?" Cole asked.
"Chris." Chris said.

"Chris. Cute. I guess." Cole said then added "Think I prefer baby boy."

Chris scowled "I'm not a baby." he pouted.

Cole laughed at that.

About an hour later Leo and Prue orbed in. "It's done." Prue said.

Cole glanced over at the boy. "You know Prue I've been thinking. And I think the boy would be better off with me." Cole said.

"You? Your evil. You can't raise a whitelighter. Half of him is Whitelighter that means half of him is purely good. That means he's ours. You can't teach him how to use his good powers." Prue said.

"Oh I could. I wouldn't. But I could. I think he should get a say in who gets to raise him. I'm a man. While you are gonna take him to a house ruled by woman. He's gonna be surrounded by you three and all the danger that comes with that every day if you take him." Cole said.

"It's no different then his mother. Except that we're good and can help him learn to use his powers for good." Prue said.

"I still say he should get to chose." Cole said.

"Oh yeah Cole let's let the ten year old decide what's best for him. He's a little boy Cole. No offense honey." Prue said the last part as she looked at Chris.

"It's okay. Mommy would have said the same thing. I don't get to chose what's best for me." Chris said.

"Okay let's go kid." Prue said holding out her hand/.
"Chris. His name is Chris. Did you even ask what his name was?" Cole asked.

"No been kinda busy Cole. Come on Chris." Prue said.

Chris got up from the couch but Cole gripped his shoulder stopping him "Wait." he told the boy and an energy ball formed in his hand "Like I said. He has a right to chose." Cole said.

"No!" Chris yelled not wanting Cole to throw the ball and hurt Prue he lunged at Cole and orbed them away.

They were in the woods and the energy ball had died in Cole's hand when Chris had lunged at him because he didn't want to hurt the child.

He shook the boy "What the hell where you thinking! you could have been hurt!" Cole yelled at him '

Chris sniffed and back away a step "I don't like seeing people hurt." Chris whined.

Cole sighed "I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean to yell. You don't have to be scared. I won't hurt you. I'll never hurt you." Cole vowed.

"I know. I saw." Chris said.
"You saw what?" Cole asked.
"That you will never hurt me." Chris said then added "I saw it when I was little." he said.

Cole thought about that. The boy must have had a vision.

"I don't want you to hurt them. I like you. I don't want them to hurt you either. Like they did to mommy. I have to go. I want to be good. And They can help me be good. Don't come after me. Not yet. It's not time yet." Chris said and that last part made no sense to Cole.

Cole tried to stop him but Chris formed his own ball on energy in his hand and threw it at Cole it was low voltage and so when it hit it only knocked Cole down and didn't hurt him. "I'll see you again." Chris said and then orbed away.

Cole glared at the spot where the little boy used to be. "Yes you will little boy." Cole vowed and then went on his way.


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